Country Place Massage

Relax, Rejuvenate and Restore


At Country Place Massage, your massage is tailored to your health needs.

I specialize in treating the person with complex body pain issues. I combine Swedish massage with the extensive wisdom of Touch for Health to release and reactivate muscles, the magic of Craniosacral Therapy for extremely gentle freeing of cranial bones and improvement of cranial-sacral balance and structural/muscular balancing using advanced positional release and muscle energy techniques.

Restore your energy by a blending of Swedish massage with therapeutic techniques that are right for you, including Structural/muscular balancing, Acupressure, Reflexology, Neuromuscular Therapy, Touch for Health and Craniosacral Therapy.

Overly tight muscles often respond well to gentle positional release techniques from Structural Muscular Balancing. Clients often experience immediate improvement in muscle balance and coordination following Touch for Health-based Applied Kinesiology that balances energy and reactivates those muscles inhibited by opposing muscles' chronic tightness.

Head injuries and TMJ respond well to Craniosacral Therapy, which is also deeply relaxing and restorative. Before you get that MRI for your headaches, you ought to come and see me.

I specialize in neck, shoulder, arm, head/jaw and hip pain issues. I have achieved many successful outcomes that clients have told me had not resolved after many visits to other medical, chiropractic or massage practitioners. I combine knowledge of the body with powerful but gentle techniques, thorough head-to-toe assessment and treatment, and ability to focus in on exactly what needs rebalancing to restore body balance.

I provide detailed, effective and gentle rebalancing of the neck and cranium that is highly beneficial for people with problems with head or neck pain. Issues of the neck need to be treated in combination with comprehensive treatment of the entire cranium, cervical and thoracic complex. Treatment often releases or reduces problems with wrist or finger numbness that is caused by nerve compression of the neck region. My secret to neck success: I provide treatment of the entire system, the complete release, and the effective "reboot" to restore balance that trauma had taken away.

It's often surprising just how effective massage can be in relieving painful areas. Let me put my advanced training in therapeutic massage to work for you.

Call (208) 522-2341 for an appointment.



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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